To begin with, we invite you not to have any apprehension about the step of the connections of your wallpaper. If you doubt, you risk more to do damage. So to do this, we take a deep breath, and we concentrate.
Joining the strips is the most delicate moment of your installation, because when drying, the strips will shrink slightly. When installing, make sure to juxtapose your strips edge to edge: your strips must touch each other properly. You must have put the right amount of glue, if there is not enough glue, there is a risk of shrinkage because the support absorbs all the glue. Our advice: Put 1 good millimeter of glue everywhere.
If when drying, you unfortunately notice a slight line of connections, don't panic! You can use the magic pen technique. To do this, you need to buy a felt-tip pen in the same color as your wallpaper (you can also use a colored pencil if your wallpaper is pastel), in order to add color to the connections.
If your wallpaper is dark (for example black), we recommend that you paint the wall where your wallpaper will be hung black before installation. This way, even if the seams are slightly visible, the paint will be there for a perfect finish.