Are you about to start buying a panoramic wallpaper but you have concerns about the installation? Don't panic! In this article, we will explain to you how easy and quick it is to install a panoramic wallpaper today. You will see that by following our few tips and installation steps, your interior will be enhanced in just a few dozen minutes or a few hours. So, are you ready to take the plunge?
Is it quick and easy to install panoramic wallpaper?
Is hanging panoramic wallpaper easier than hanging wallpaper with a repeating pattern?
First, let's talk about wallpaper. There are two types of patterned wallpaper on the market: repeating patterned wallpaper, and single patterned wallpaper, or better known as panoramic wallpaper.
Hanging panoramic wallpaper can seem daunting to those new to wallpapering, but in reality, hanging panoramic wallpaper is often easier than hanging repeating pattern wallpaper for several reasons:
- When you install wallpaper with a repeating pattern, you need to make sure that each pattern aligns perfectly with the patterns on the previous strip. On the other hand, with panoramic wallpaper, you only need one or two alignment marks so that the strip aligns perfectly. Also, choosing to buy custom-made panoramic wallpaper allows for strips of equal height, for a much simpler installation, and without waste! 😉
- Let's talk about the matches: the matches are the part where the two strips of wallpaper meet. For wallpaper with a repeating pattern, you have to be careful and check that the strips do not overlap or create gaps. On the contrary, the strips of a panoramic wallpaper only require an edge-to-edge match, because its continuous pattern is more visible when hanging the strips.
- Panoramic wallpaper also allows you to go faster when installing, because you do not need to cut the strips. Its numbered strip format allows an effective perception of the pattern. Wallpaper with a repetitive pattern is presented in roll format. You will then have to cut each strip, taking care that the strip following the previous one is well connected.
Why choose to install non-woven panoramic wallpaper?
Non-woven panoramic wallpaper has become very popular in recent years. It is the wall covering that you absolutely must have to be on trend in interior decoration. It has many advantages in terms of installation, unlike its ancestor, traditional wallpaper.
First of all, non-woven wallpaper is easier to install: unlike traditional wallpaper, it only needs to be pasted on the wall. No need to bother with a pasting table and double pasting (on the paper and on the wall).
Non-woven wallpaper is also more resistant than traditional wallpaper. Due to its manufacturing (compaction of fibers), it is easier to install because you will not be afraid of tearing it. You will then be able to easily install and remove the strips if you need to reposition your pattern during installation.
Should you choose a thick non-woven wallpaper?
Choosing thick non-woven wallpaper can offer several advantages in terms of interior decoration, and especially when installing it.
Thick wallpaper is stronger and more durable, as it is less likely to tear or get damaged during installation. Thick wallpaper can also hide small imperfections in your wall, giving them a smoother and more uniform appearance. Of course, and we will see this during the installation steps, properly preparing the wall that is about to receive your wallpaper is essential for a successful installation.
The steps for installing non-woven panoramic wallpaper at MuralConcept
1. Prepare your wall
Good preparation is essential to ensure a good installation (it's a bit like an athlete who trains before going to a competition). 😉 Make sure your wall is clean, smooth and dry. To do this, don't hesitate to sand it, then clean it with a microfiber cloth.
If your wall is raw, we advise you to apply a bonding primer before installing it, so that the glue can adhere the paper well (otherwise, your wall will soak up the glue and your wallpaper will peel off).
If your wall has been painted recently, wait until it is completely dry before starting to hang your wallpaper.
2. Prepare the strips of panoramic wallpaper
We invite you to unpack your panoramic wallpaper on a flat surface, in order to arrange the strips in the right direction. At MuralConcept, all our strips are numbered, in order to make it easier for you to reconstruct your mural.
3. Laying the first strip
Laying the first strip is often the longest and most stressful part. But don't worry, everything will go well!
Before laying your first strip, we invite you to take the level of your wall, and to draw a light line with a pencil. This line will allow you to lay your first strip straight. Then, apply the glue on your wall, in sufficient quantity, on the entire part that will concern the first strip. Then, apply yourself to laying your first one by following your pencil line carefully. We advise you to make a slight overhang on the height and on the side of your wall so as not to have any gaps on the edges of the wall. The laying of your strip is accompanied by a smoothing tool, which will allow you to smooth the surface well.
4. The strips after
Once your first strip is laid, that's it! You can now lay the following strips, matching edge to edge. Same principle as in the previous step, without taking the level. Adjust the matches of your fresco, and phew! You're almost finished.
Finishing: cutting and cleaning
Once the installation of your strips is finished, we move on to the finishing touches! Take a ruler, a cutter, and cut the edges of your wall. Then, with a damp microfiber cloth, clean the joints. Don't hesitate to go over it several times, renewing the cleanliness of your microfiber cloth. Improper cleaning of excess glue can stain your wallpaper, so be careful. 😊
We provide you with an explanatory and illustrated installation guide on our website, which will definitely allow you to carry out your installation like a pro!
Is it quick and easy to install panoramic wallpaper?
Today, you no longer have to call a professional to install panoramic wallpaper. As you can see above, installing panoramic non-woven wallpaper is quick and easy. Just follow these few simple steps carefully to transform your interior in no time. Your new wall decoration will be spectacular and will make you the envy of others.
Panoramic wallpaper is very trendy, it is found everywhere, and the mistake would be to limit yourself from having a personalized divine beauty in your image, because of a simple installation, don't you think?
So dare to pose, and send us the photo of your new panoramic wallpaper! 😊
Are there still skeptics among us?
Despite these clear and simple explanations, some of you may still be skeptical. And we don't blame you! It's completely normal to have questions and be afraid, especially when you're not very handy.
You should know that a new wallpaper finish has been released, just for you: pre-pasted wallpaper. But what is it, you might ask?
Pre-pasted wallpaper is a type of wallpaper that is already coated with glue, in solid format, on the unprinted side of the wallpaper. Unlike traditional wallpaper and non-woven wallpaper, pre-pasted wallpaper does not require glue, because it is already provided! Thanks to its composition, there is no need to paste your wall. All you need to do is spray water on the glue in solid format, then put your wallpaper on the wall. A light smoothing will be necessary, but really very light, because there is no risk of excess glue, or not enough. Pre-pasted wallpaper is even easier and faster to put up than non-woven wallpaper.
So how long does it take to put up panoramic wallpaper?
The time needed to install panoramic wallpaper depends on several factors, such as the size of the surface to be covered, and the type of wallpaper you have purchased. In general, installing panoramic wallpaper can take a few dozen minutes to a few hours. So follow our advice to choose your wallpaper! And then, once the installation is done, you can immediately enjoy your new wall decor. And yes, no need to air it for hours or days. Make yourself comfortable and contemplate. 😊